Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Cook Tips

Who had a hobby cook nie so let me just follow these tips plus cooking cool! Hehe
1. Use high heat when sauteing seasonings to spice smell straight out.
2. During the pen, spices should be kept stirred so as not to scorch.

3. When the insert material, used to flavor aside so as not to scorch.
4. Pan-fried foods, should be cooked pan-fried, not drebus. Therefore, do not add soy sauce or gravy, well water, before food change color.
5. Stir-fry or boiling process, preferably prior to maturation of the old food, followed by a rapid maturation of the fastest and the maturation of the food so fast, not destroyed by overcooking.
6. More vegetables in a delicious crispy state. Because it must be cooked briefly.
7. Meat should be cooked over low heat after adding soy sauce and other sauces for meat is not cooked before it had time to absorb the trigger seasoning.
8. Seasoning should be added last leaves that still was nearly as presented.
9. The presentation of food should be in hot conditions so if the food before serving.

May be useful!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 8:21 PM

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